Frisbee Dog Entertainment

Frisbee Dog Entertainment
Maverick Rocks!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

2010 Centennial Spring Fling Wrap Up

What a show this year at Centennial's second annual Spring Fling! The dogs were so excited to put on a show and the audience was enthusiastic.

Lots to see at this show, we started with a trick show by Christi and Dharma. The crowd went wild when Dharma did a foot stall, I don't think anyone had ever seen one before! Next up Tracy and Angus' freestyle routine, and as usual, Angus went for the 'audience participation' and kept handing the disc to people, insisting that they throw it for him.

Our next act was 'train a dog' with a special twist. Christi and Dharma were enacting the training session with Pam and her new Aussie pup, Amadeus - only thing is - Amadeus thought it was more fun to chase Dharma. Let me just say, chaos ensued!

We had an exciting round of Relay Blitz with Scott and Russ as their dogs held the audience captive with the crazy back and forth action. Our second round of Relay Blitz was Bob & Jane and at the end of it all, the teams were tied 6-6. What's Relay Blitz? Check out the video and see! Video.

Our next freestyle team was AJ & Maverick - I haven't seen Mav play in awhile and that dog was burning up the grass. I don't know how AJ keeps up with him. Clearly a crowd favorite, this dog always goes at 110%.

New to the show this year is 6o Second Madness and Amy O'Brien and her two pups, Kipp & Roxy kept the crowd cheering. I think Amy got off 10 throws and had 7 catches - all in 60 seconds. Amazing.

We closed the show with a freestyle performance by Chris & Banzai and as usual, Banzai was bigger than life, back to back tricks with her own spin on things. Check them out on video!

Thanks CDD Demo team! Keep up the good work!

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